February 2014

The Meaning of February

According to wikipedia.org, the Roman month Februarius was named after the Latin term februum, which means purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 (full moon) in the old lunar Roman calendar.  Other Internet sources I found state that the month’s origin comes from Latin februare meaning to purify or expiate.

As I contemplated sticking to my theme in January of illustrating the meaning of the month, I wondered how to draw something illustrating “purification?”

Well, for some reason when thinking about the concept of “purity” I started thinking about babies.  And I suppose that makes sense – especially given the fact that I gave birth to my son in February (was it really 14 years ago?).  And, in fact, my sister had her son within 10 days of mine (12 years sooner).  So our two boys both celebrate birthdays this month.  And really, what is more “pure” than that?  And then thinking about babies made me think of cherubs – and after all, this is Valentine’s Day month as well.  So there you have it – and here is my 31-point-plan for February:


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