2014 Goals & Resolutions

My New Year’s Goals

  1. Help get Dalton back on track/back to school and on good footing with time management, responsibility and balanced living.
  2. Get the house and garage cleaned up, put away, organized and in good shape.
  3. Get these new potential clients in shape and get myself on track with work.
  4. Take charge of art and writing goals and work according to plan towards completion of projects.
  5. Clean up “unfinished business” and uncompleted 2013 goals.
  6. Start walking (and make it a habit that sticks).
  7. Quit smoking (and stay quit!)
  8. Schedule needed dental and doctor appointments.
  9. Plan summer vacation (L.A.) and start saving towards it.
  10. Revise entire website.
  11. Investigate further needs and goals throughout the year.
  12. Be happy!


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