Political Insanity

Unbelievably, our ridiculous Congress has caused the government to shut down due to a refusal to cooperate and do their jobs.  It is ludicrous.  This so-called Tea Party needs to get a grip or just go away!  They are Neanderthals and what they are doing is simply bad news for everyone.  In their stubborn quest for power (or whatever their ultimate goal might be) they are blind about what they are really doing – or else they are simply evil and too stupid to know it.

I really sympathize with the President and those in Congress who are trying to be reasonable and do their jobs under such circumstances.  It has to be all too frustrating to believe.  I could even imagine somebody pushed beyond their limit and taking out a gun and blowing all those bozos away!  But that would not be a good thing at all, so hopefully it will just stay in my imagination only!  But how on earth can anyone deal with such an untenable situation; it is incredible!  It is positively shameful and unacceptable.  Perhaps we need to just throw it all out and start over!  Get rid of the Republican Party – and the Democrats as well!  Pull out the Declaration of Independence and reconsider all this country was founded to stand for.  If the people really are so divided on opposite sides of basic issues, if there is no meeting of minds, then perhaps it is time to form two separate countries Because this is not working for any of us. 

Government employees are being put on furlough, or working without pay, and how are they supposed to live?  I don’t imagine the government pays unemployment!  I am glad I am not in one of those people’s shoes.  But this is so depressing…

It seems to me that the ones who are being obstructionist are not very representative of the people.  They are representative only of a small, perhaps 1%.  Which means we are in a stranglehold and America has ceased to be a Democracy.  Perhaps that means it’s time for a revolution.  Trouble is, things have gotten too complicated, with world markets and money so much in control of everything.

And good grief, this country could run quite well – as it has done, if we could somehow just get rid of those factions who are preventing business as usual.  They are not interested in American values, they are only interested in personal benefit.  And they are BLIND.  What we need to do is get rid of Fox News, then maybe people would return to being “normal.”

I mean really, Republicans have been in power plenty of times during my lifetime and Democrats have never played these obstructionist political games at those or any other times.  They have always been willing to cooperate in order to get the job done – like Congress is supposed to do!  I have never seen Democrats refuse to accept election results – even when Gore actually did beat Bush in that notorious election and that doomed us to 8 years of Bush when he should have lost (and if that had happened, how much war might we have avoided?)  The point is, Democrats have mostly behaved like responsible adults.  Republicans used to.  Not any more apparently, and what has happened?  It is hard to understand or accept.  It is BAD for our country.

And I wonder, with the government shut down, how might that affect the IRS sending me my tax refund? As it is, I have been waiting since FEBRUARY!!! Honestly, this is just B.S.

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